


Research shows that resveratrol, an ingredient fround in berries, grapes and red wine Malaysia can help turn flab into calorie-burning 'brownish' fat. Only drink responsibly!
Red wine ingredient linked to lower diabetes risk
Wine lovers rejoice! Studies have shown that an ingredient in grapes, berries and red wine can turn extra flab into calorie-burning "brown" fat. The discovery implies that diets containing resveratrol, the material, may help fight obesity.

Scientists gave amounts of resveratrol same to people consuming 12 ounces of fruit each day to mice. They found that despite a high fat diet, the mice got 40% less weight than animals not fed the compound.

The research revealed the mice were able to alter their extra white fat to effective "brownish" or "beige" fat which reduces weight gain by burning up calories. Other "polyphenol" chemicals in fruit may have a similar effect, the scientists consider.

Is red wine really healthful?

Lead researcher Professor Min Du, from Washington State Univesity, US, said: "Polyphenols in fruit, including resveratrol, increase gene expression that enhances the oxidation of dietary fats so the body won't be overloaded. They convert white fat into beige fat which burns lipids (fats) away as heat, helping to keep the body in equilibrium and prevent obesity and metabolic dysfunction. We're using resveratrol as a representative for each of the polyphenols."

Research demonstrates a glass of wine might be beneficial for you
Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes and apples are especially rich in the compounds, he said. Twelve oz amounts to about two or three helpings.

How many calories are in your booze?

Red wines like cabinet or merlot sauvignon are known to contain resveratrol, but at a portion of the amounts Prof Du pointed out.
Material byAtelier Black/White
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